Creating experiences
for luxury pools

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Our movable floor pools

La piscine à fond mobile ...

The movable-bottom pool is an innovative solution that optimizes space and makes the most of every square meter, offering unrestricted multi-purpose use.

This feature, which allows the height of the pool floor to be adjusted according to users' needs or preferences, is made possible by a sophisticated hydraulic system.

Key benefits of this technology :

Versatility of use: it frees up space in properties where the cost per square meter is particularly high, with an average weight of 250 kg per square meter in the upright position.

Child-friendly: The height of the bottom can be adjusted for increased child safety.

Space transformation: The space created can be used as a reception hall, party room, or even a sports hall.

Optimum safety: Adjustable depth guarantees safe pool use.

Multiple depths: It offers the possibility of variable depths for a variety of aquatic activities.

Exceptional insulation: This pool benefits from the best insulation available.

Approved technology: With 50 years of experience, moving fund technology has been perfectly mastered.

Durability and quality: Designed as a top-of-the-range product, it offers great resistance. Space-saving outdoors: When outdoors, it can be concealed under a terrace, maximizing the use of space.

When the bottom is raised, the pool is shallower, offering a safe zone particularly suited to children and those who prefer shallow water. When the bottom is lowered, the pool is once again suitable for swimming and other aquatic activities.

These pools are also very popular on private estates, offering homeowners the opportunity to maximize the use of their outdoor space.


Find out how we can make your dreams come true. Contact us today and let us turn your ideas into reality.

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